
How to become a member of the club

Please note that, by joining the CERN Photo Club, you agree to accept the CERN Photo Club rules and regulations that can be found here.

To join the Club:

  • Send an email with the request to join the club to the Committee
    You will be added to the mailing list and gain access to the Google Calendar for facility and equipment bookings (please provide a gmail account for that).  You will also receive instructions on how to pay the annual fee.
  • Please read the sections on access, activities, courses and equipment and read the “about us” page to obtain information on committee members and responsibilities within the club.

Rules for new members, from 01 January 2025:

The Photo-Club committee decided to adapt the membership registration rules in order to be more flexible for the members who would like to join the club in the middle of the year or at the end of each year (concerns new members only).

Please see below how you can become a member:

  • Signing up on 1st January for 12 months: CHF 100 (CHF 90 for members of Staff Association)
  • Signing up from 1st November for year Y+1: CHF 100 (CHF 90 for members of Staff Association), i.e. November and December of the current year Y are offered.

Participation fees for Photo Suisse contest are separate from Club membership fees:

  • Member pays CHF 70 to sign up for PS (regardless of whether one submits pictures or not)
  • Membership to Photosuisse (in addition to annual fee to the club): 70 CHF; contribution from the club of 50 CHF for full membership.

The club is a non-profit organization and its members contribute to the club activities on a voluntary basis and are not paid by the club. 

The use of the club premises, material or software which is licensed through the club must not be for any commercial activity.

Please contact to receive the details on how to pay the registration fees.